Saturday 28 September 2024

September 28, 2024

 So, this will probably be my final update.  Also, it will talk of the passing of Katharina and the steps she went through so if you don't want to read about that, please feel free to skip this entry.

On Sunday Katha's specialist stopped by to check on Katha.  He said her heart was steady but weak and he was afraid that she would start having seizures.  He wanted to make sure we had medication if that happened.  He also felt like we had a few days to a few weeks left.  Definitely not a month.

After he left Amory's parents and niece came to stay a few days and say goodbye to Katha.  Rosie, who is 2 years old was very interested in Katha and why she slept all the time but we tried to keep her out of Katha's room as much as possible.

Katha's eyes were very dry because of the dehydration, so Amory ran out to get eye drops and we applied them and they seemed much better.  Also, her lips were very dry so we would take the sponges on a lollipop stick and put apple juice or water around her lips.  

On Monday we got something for Katha's lips because she hadn't drank anything in days and was so dehydrated.  Anytime I tried to put something on her lips she would open her mouth as if she wanted to drink it.  So, thinking I could moisten her tongue as well, I put the sponge into her mouth and she chomped down on it.  My first instinct was to pull it out but I ended up with just the stick, the sponge was still in her mouth!  I got her mouth open and I tried to sweep her mouth like I had been taught when she was choking.  But, she clamped down on my finger and almost took the tip of it! She was definitely still fighting.

On Monday afternoon, I ran out to get Jay from volleyball practice and get a couple things from the drug store.

When I got home, we had a house full of visitors.  One of whom was an old homecare worker of Katha's.  She had the best stories of Katha and definitely brought a lot of cheer into the home.

After everyone left and the in-laws and I were about to go to bed, Katha started breathing funny and was no longer responding at all.

Her breaths came out in little puffs, and when I called Amory in, he rested his hand on her stomach and could feel her heart beat, strong and fast.  In fact, when we pulled back her covers, you could even see her heartbeat.

I immediately called my mom and told her that I thought that Katha could pass away in the night.  She started getting ready to come over.  

Less than an hour later, I noticed a dear friend who has helped me so much was up (she is a nurse and a mom of a kid with special needs, not to mention an angel on earth!) and I asked her if I should call homecare. She said she was driving by and would drop in.

She came in, took one look at Katha and told us she is entering the final stages of life.  She then proceeded to tell me what I could expect step by step as Katha's time came to a close.  

When mom got there we sat for a few hours with Katha and she started slightly responding again.  Because Katha doesn't know the meaning of the word quit, mom said she would stay up with her while I got a couple of hours of sleep.

I slept until 7 the next morning and went and checked on Katha.  When I left her breathing was very loud and when I came back you could hardly hear it.  I told the boys that I didn't think Katha would make it through the day and that they were welcome to stay home.  They both chose to go to school.

As the day went on, Katha's breathing got more and more quiet and shallow as well as her heartbeat got slower.

I tried to move Katha legs into a more comfortable position but she was too close to the end of the bed so I asked Amory to move her up in the bed.  

After he did, a couple minutes later, she started gulping air, which we were told would be one of the final steps before she left us.  I got my mom to quickly call my sister and my niece who wanted to be there and Amory called the boys to come home and Amory's dad went to pick them up.

Then, with Amory, my mother and I all surrounding her and loving her, she winced a few times and was gone.

My sister came in a few minutes later, followed by my niece a few minutes after that.

Dom and Jay came and saw her but didn't really feel comfortable so they went downstairs pretty quickly.

A nurse came and confirmed she was gone, then the funeral home came and took her body.

It's hard to remember everything, and I'm sure I've missed several details, but that is pretty much Katha's last moments.

I just want to thank everyone for their outpouring of love.  We never truly realized the community we have behind us and we have been so touched.

Life without taking care of Katha is going to be a huge adjustment.  Amory and I keep catching one another going to check on her.

We are so thankful she is in a place where she will be able to laugh, sing, shake her booty and tell stories again.

We have a funeral mass planned for November 1st at 1 PM at St. Mary's Church and a celebration of life planned for 3:30 PM at Alix Hall.  If you can make it, we would love for you to join us. This may still change but it is the tentative plan.

Thank you again to everyone for all the love, prayers and hugs that have been sent our way.  It is very humbling.

Sending my love to you all, and in Katha's language "Na-Foo" which she said instead of I love you because it was the sound of blowing a kiss.

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